Literally in Stitches Over Here

I'm starting this post with a picture of my mug. It's 4:00 in the afternoon. There's a pretty good chance, I have something other than tea in here. Honestly, it's coffee. Only because I have rules. One of those rules is that booze is not allowed if children are awake or if there is only one adult in the house. My children are most definitely awake so I must be the only adult in  my house. The beer is in the fridge. I'm all ready for the other adult to be home. It's been one of those weeks. 

Sunday one of my twins decided she had enough of people not being able to tell her and her sister apart. To remedy that situation she decided it would be fun to take a trip to the emergency room for some stitches. Of course she decided to do this on a weekend in which the other adult in my house was in a different state. Thankfully we have grandparents close by. Did you know that head wounds bleed? A lot? On Monday morning, I had to have part of my dinning floor replaced. The men who came to do the work wanted to know where I found such a bold red paint for my front steps. On Tuesday morning, I had to drop the twins off at school and explain why it looks like I'm running Fight Club for Four Year Olds. The other adult was quick to remind me I violated the first rule of Fight Club. 

I work at an elementary school. I'm not a teacher. I don't have near enough patience to spend all day teaching. Last week, I spent an hour with kindergartners and that was more than enough for me. I love teachers. The women (and man) who teach my children on a day to day basis are my heroes. I also struggle to understand math beyond a third grade level so there's that. 

At elementary schools (and maybe some higher grade levels) across America, the birthday of the late, great Dr. Seuss was celebrated. The school I work for was no exception. On Wednesday we did a drop everything and read event. Since I am fortunate enough to work at the school my children attend, I got to drop everything and go read with my favorite second graders. Another event involved dressing up like your favorite Dr. Seuss character. I did not dress up. Instead I wore my favorite Harry Potter shirt featuring the Marauders' Map with the saying "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" . According to one of the students, I didn't need to dress up for character day because I'm a Grinch every day. I think she's really just mad at me because I wouldn't buy any Girl Scout cookies. In my defense, I live with a Girl Scout. I don't need to buy cookies from other dealers. 

My favorite part of Dr. Seuss week didn't actually happen during actual Dr. Seuss week. Before Dr. Seuss week, staff members were encouraged to decorate the school with various Dr. Seuss themed decorations. I work in the school computer lab and the wall outside my lab is pretty bare. Fortunately for me, I happen to be friends with a very eager future teacher. I told her I was just going to print some fish and tape them up. She took this idea and ran with it. This was the result:
The best part, I won't have to do anything for next year. Laminators are amazing tools.

Once word got out that there was a pair of us motivated to decorate, we had a request from a busy preschool teacher to make something small for outside her room. I think Mr. Brown is the perfect decoration for preschool. What three and four year olds don't love to make funny animal noises?  

The sad part is, after this week, I'm going to come up with a new theme for the wall outside my room. I suppose I could just leave it empty. It's been empty all year up until now. I could just leave the fish up. Maybe I can put some computers or tablets up and make them technology fish?


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