It's Probably a Good Thing I Don't Make Money Doing This

I keep telling myself, I'm going to write a post. I'm going to write a post. I have this great idea! I need to write a post. Three girls, a full-time job, some cooking, some laundry, and a lot of wine later, there's no new blog post. It's a good thing my family's ability to eat isn't dependent on my ability to write. 

So I have finally found myself with some free time and a fresh pot of coffee. The problem is I don't really know what it is I want to write about. I don't think there is really anything going on at my house. Well, there's always something going on at my house. I mean, I have three girls. There's always something going on. Granted the going ons aren't nearly as dramatic as they will be in about five years. However, when you have two five year olds (my babies turned five on April 7th :( ) and an eight year old, life is rarely dull. I could tell you all about the horrible infection I magically developed in my leg that kept me in bed while leading me to fear I was going to end up with a slight limp. I really do take both of my legs for granted. However, that story is on the boring side and does end up to be a little disgusting. Unless of course, you are an army medic like my best friend and find ooze and pus to be fascinating. 

Finally after some staring into space, I found my muse. I work at a school. I am not a teacher. I don't have nearly the amount of patience (or math skills) required to be a teacher. My job is to help students in the computer lab and if they have problems with their iPads. I reside in an office inside of the computer lab. One of the things I am constantly hearing about my lab is that it's kind of boring. If we're being honest, it's not just kind of boring. It's really boring. Currently it is painted cinder block walls with zero decoration. I have one bulletin board. Up until about a two weeks ago, that bulletin board contained all kinds of cute pictures of floppy disks, green screened computer units, cd-roms, and dancing keyboards. It was fine. It was bright, colorful, and cute. The problem? None of my students have any idea what a floppy disk is. They barely know that a cd was at some point used to play music with. As far as cds to play computer games? Forget about it. It got to the point where I was sick of feeling like a museum tour guide whose job was to teach field trip classes about fossils. I decided to do something about it. The problem? I lack the kind of pun-ny creativity required to change a bulletin board in an elementary school. Add it to the list of reasons I am not a teacher. 

Fortunately for me, some genius created Pinterest. If you want to follow me on Pinterest I can be found here: 

I found my bulletin board inspiration here:

Due to state fire codes, at school, we are only allowed to decorate 20% of our door. For this reason, I don't decorate my door. The sign with the big, bold letters reminding students they are not allowed to have food or beverages of any kind doesn't really count as decoration. I took the above idea and turned it into a bulletin board with a few changes.

This was the result:

I traced the letters using my classroom projector. I don't have one of those fancy die-cut machines. Imagine the damage I could do if I had one. The possibilities are endless. It might also save my hands. I don't think I've cut with such detail since I was in grade school.

I wanted to put a twist on the flowers. I thought if I was going to put them up in a computer lab, why not try to make them a little more tech-ish. This is what I came up with:

 Personally, I don't think they are half bad for someone who doesn't have a creative bone in her body. I even had a few students ask if I could make smaller versions for them to use as bookmarks. I showed them how to make their own. That sounded slightly easier than making them myself.

I have to highlight these bees. I love them. I think they are adorable. I would love to take credit for their design but I can't. I downloaded them off of a free clip-art site and used the school copier to enlarge them. 

Overall I'm pretty impressed with myself. The other adult in my house, who technically might be my boss (at school), informed me that if I keep this up, people are going to expect me to change my board with the season. Back to Pinterest I guess.


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